by colly | in sales management | 0 comments
Sales Training – Reframing and Pre-empting Objections
Pre-empting an objection means that you bring an objection that you expect to hear early in the sales call and then deal with the objection so it cannot be brought up again. Make sure to answer any common questions and concerns before the client can ask. By pre-empting objections before the client can raise them, you decrease resistance.
For example: Want to think about it, you might say:
“I had one client who wanted to think about it, when he was taking his time to think the opportunity had gone, you wouldn’t want that to happen, would you? ”
List the Objections you normally hear:-
How can you pre-empt these objections?
Reframing Objections
A frame provides a context or focuses for your thoughts and actions. Just as a picture frame puts borders or boundaries on what you can see in a picture, the frames of reference that you choose as a result of your beliefs about yourself and others, your perceived role in life, your perceived limitations in skills/abilities, etc. can limit what you see as possible or can open up all sorts of possibilities. You (and if you allow them, others) are continually setting timeframes, boundaries, limits, etc. on what you can and can’t do – often without any real thought about the consequences or if the limitations are true.
Changing the frame of an experience can have a major influence on how you perceive, interpret and react to that experience. The purpose of reframing is to help a person experience their actions, the impact of their beliefs, etc. from a different perspective (frame) and potentially be more resourceful or have more choice in how they react.
Reframing going on all around us:
Politicians are masters at reframing. It seems no matter what happens, they can put a positive spin on it for themselves or a negative spin for their opponents.
You may be frustrated at your wife for inviting the elderly gentleman next door for supper. Until she points out that if you were in his shoes, then you may find this simple act to be the highlight of your week.
Consider that old wooden table in the basement that you use as a temporary workbench for sawing wood, nailing things together, etc. Instantly, it is seen differently if someone tells you that it is a valuable antique.
Jokes are reframing – you are guided to think in one frame and then the frame (meaning or context) changes.
Fairy tales often use reframes to help children see different perspectives or the consequences of ‘crying wolf’.
An excuse is a reframe that attributes a different meaning or context to your behaviours.
Some more notable reframes are:
During the 1984 campaign, there was considerable concern about Ronald Reagan’s age. Speaking during the presidential debate with Walter Mondale, Reagan said “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” Reagan’s age was not an issue for the remainder of the campaign!
There is a story about Thomas Watson Sr., the first President of IBM. A young worker had made a mistake that lost IBM $1 M in business. She was called into the President’s office and as she walked in said, “Well, I guess you have called me here to fire me.” “Fire you?” Mr. Watson replied, “I just spent $1 M on your education!”
A father brought his head-strong daughter to see Milton Erickson – the famous hypnotherapist. He said to Erickson, “My daughter doesn’t listen to me or her mother. She is always expressing her own opinion.” After the father finished describing his daughter’s problem, Erickson replied, “Now isn’t it good that she will be able to stand on her own two feet when she is ready to leave home?” The father sat in stunned silence. That was the extent of the therapy — the father now saw his daughter’s behaviour as a useful resource later in her life.
Reframing an objection is taking the objection and putting in a different context.
Let’s use the price objection -is the context of the price objection – too expensive or outside the prospect’s budget.
Mostly the problem with price objections – they need to be pre-empted and handled at the qualification stage of the sales and then reframe should they come up when you are at the commitment (or closing stage of the sale).
Colly Graham
Price Objection Sales, Price Objection, Overcoming Price Objections Car Sales, Price Objection In Sales, Price Objection Sales
Sales Training Ideas, Sales Training Activities, Sales Training Benefits, Sales Training Courses, Sales Training Development
Objections And Rebuttals, Objections Examples, Objections In Sales, Objections Not Interested, Objections When Selling
Reframing Approach, Reframing Nlp, Nlp Reframing Questions, Reframing Skills, Reframing Situations, Reframing Technique